entries & Callbacks
sanction information | online entry form | callbacks
Entries are now taken online through this platform. Entry date and times are listed through the IPRA Website and Rodeo News magazine.
Change Request Form | Demande de modification
March 29 & April 5, 2025 | Ranch Gagnon #1, Saint-Évariste, QC - Entries 03.24
Sanction Information | Informations sur l'événement
Location: Ranch Gagnon, 213 rang St Hillaire, Saint-Évariste, QC G0M 1S0
Date: Saturday, March 29, 2025 and Saturday, April 5, 2025
Performance Times: March 29 at 7:30 pm; April 5 at 7:30 pm (2 performances)
Slack: March 29 at 4:30 pm; April 5 at 4:30 pm
Title: Ranch Gagnon Rodeo #1 [IPRA]
Events: BB, SB, BR, SW, TD, TR, BAR, LBK $500 ADM - $80 EF; NSB, NBB, JBR, JBAR $250 ADM - $30 EF; JSR - $30 EF (no added money); Total $5,000; Fees: Total $20 STK/CEF/FF
Additional Events: Pickup Race & Exchange Race $30 EF - $250 ADM; Fees: $10 per horse per event
Books Open: Mon March 24 at 9am online only at www.ipracanada.com
Books Close: Mon March 24 at 9pm
Callbacks: Posted online at ipracanada.com on Wed March 26 by 4pm; Trades and turnouts, please fill out Change Request Form.
*No changes will be allowed after callbacks are done at 9pm.*
*If you are highlighted in red, you must contact the secretary or you will be turned out. Text to 905-432-5980.*
Producer: ERQ Rodeo
Ticket sales: At the door only
Note To All Contestants:
*Please allow 3-5 business days for memberships to be processed in order to have your card number for entries. You will still be able to enter the event without a current (processed) card number, but a $25 late fee will be charged. Purchasing your membership the day of entries will not give enough time to have your membership processed.
April 12 & April 19, 2025 | Ranch Gagnon #2, Saint-Évariste, QC - Entries 04.07
Sanction Information | Informations sur l'événement
Location: Ranch Gagnon, 213 rang St Hillaire, Saint-Évariste, QC G0M 1S0
Date: Saturday, April 12, 2025 and Saturday, April 19, 2025
Performance Times: April 12 at 7:30 pm; April 19 at 7:30 pm (2 performances)
Slack: April 12 at 4:30 pm; April 19 at 4:30 pm
Title: Ranch Gagnon Rodeo #2 [IPRA]
Events: BB, SB, BR, SW, TD, TR, BAR, LBK $500 ADM - $80 EF; NSB, NBB, JBR, JBAR $250 ADM - $30 EF; JSR - $30 EF (no added money); Total $5,000; Fees: Total $20 STK/CEF/FF
Additional Events: Pickup Race & Exchange Race $30 EF - $250 ADM; Fees: $10 per horse per event
Books Open: Mon April 7 at 9am online only at www.ipracanada.com
Books Close: Mon April 7 at 9pm
Callbacks: Posted online at ipracanada.com on Wed April 9 by 4pm; Trades and turnouts, please fill out Change Request Form.
*No changes will be allowed after callbacks are done at 9pm.*
*If you are highlighted in red, you must contact the secretary or you will be turned out. Text to 905-432-5980.*
Producer: ERQ Rodeo
Ticket sales: At the door only
Note To All Contestants:
*Please allow 3-5 business days for memberships to be processed in order to have your card number for entries. You will still be able to enter the event without a current (processed) card number, but a $25 late fee will be charged. Purchasing your membership the day of entries will not give enough time to have your membership processed.
April 26 & May 3, 2025 | Ranch Gagnon #3, Saint-Évariste, QC - Entries 04.21
Sanction Information | Informations sur l'événement
Location: Ranch Gagnon, 213 rang St Hillaire, Saint-Évariste, QC G0M 1S0
Date: Saturday, April 26, 2025 and Saturday, May 3, 2025
Performance Times: April 26 at 7:30 pm; May 3 at 7:30 pm (2 performances)
Slack: April 26 at 4:30 pm; May 3 at 4:30 pm
Title: Ranch Gagnon Rodeo #3 [IPRA]
Events: BB, SB, BR, SW, TD, TR, BAR, LBK $500 ADM - $80 EF; NSB, NBB, JBR, JBAR $250 ADM - $30 EF; JSR - $30 EF (no added money); Total $5,000; Fees: Total $20 STK/CEF/FF
Additional Events: Pickup Race & Exchange Race $30 EF - $250 ADM; Fees: $10 per horse per event
Books Open: Mon April 21 at 9am online only at www.ipracanada.com
Books Close: Mon April 21 at 9pm
Callbacks: Posted online at ipracanada.com on Wed April 23 by 4pm; Trades and turnouts, please fill out Change Request Form.
*No changes will be allowed after callbacks are done at 9pm.*
*If you are highlighted in red, you must contact the secretary or you will be turned out. Text to 905-432-5980.*
Producer: ERQ Rodeo
Ticket sales: At the door only
Note To All Contestants:
*Please allow 3-5 business days for memberships to be processed in order to have your card number for entries. You will still be able to enter the event without a current (processed) card number, but a $25 late fee will be charged. Purchasing your membership the day of entries will not give enough time to have your membership processed.
May 17-18, 2025 | IPRA Canadian Finals, St-Tite, QC - Entries 04.28
IPRA Canadian Finals Contestant Information Package - PDF (coming soon)
Finales IPRA Canada Informations Compétiteurs - PDF (à venir)
Sanction Information | Informations sur l'événement
Location: Festival Western Coors Banquet Arena, Boul. St-Joseph, St-Tite, QC G0X 3H0
Date: Saturday, May 17 - Sunday, May 18, 2025
Performance Times: May 17 at 8:00 pm; May 18 at 1:00 pm (2 performances)
Slack: Saturday, May 17 after the performance; Breakaway 1st round Sat show and 2nd round Sat slack; Team Roping 1st round Sat slack and 2nd round Sun show.
Title: IPRA Canadian Finals [IPRA]
Events: BB, SB, BR, SW, TD, BAR, LBK $7,500 ADM - $190 EF; TR $15,000 ADM - $190 EF; NSB, NBB, JBR, JBAR $1,500 ADM - $100 EF; SR/CR - $100 EF (no added money); Total $73,500; Fees: Total $20 STK/CEF/FF
Additional Events: Pickup Race & Exchange Race $120 EF - $2,500 ADM; Fees: $10 per horse per event
Books Open: Mon April 28 at 9am online only at www.ipracanada.com
Books Close: Mon April 28 at 9pm
Callbacks: Posted online at ipracanada.com on Fri May 2 by 4pm
*If you are highlighted in red, you must contact the secretary or you will be turned out. Text to 905-432-5980.*
Producer: WildTime, Rawhide Rodeo, ERQ
Ticket sales: Festival Western.com
Note To All Contestants:
- 2025 Memberships to be completed online before entries are made. Please allow 3-5 business days for memberships to be processed in order to have your card number for entries. You will still be able to enter the event without a current (processed) card number, but a $25 late fee will be charged. Purchasing your membership the day of entries will not give enough time to have your membership processed.
- Open to the top 10 in the standard events; top 5 in junior events and top 3 in the novice events and steer riding/calf riding.
- Points count towards the 2025 IPRA World Standings only for contestants competing on a world card.
- Montana Silversmiths buckles awarded to year-end winners and finals winners. Leather jacket and Wrangler ball cap for all participants.
- $250 bonus for winners wearing Wranglers; "Win With Wrangler" promotion (details on IPRA Canada website)
- Standard events will pay 50-30-20 for each go round and average.
Novice and junior events will pay 60-40 for each go round and average. - Contestant package available for additional information.
2025 Entry Information Coming Soon!
Completed Events
Completed events listed below.
May 10-11 | Rodeo Ranch Traversy, Lefebvre, QC - Completed
Sanction Information | Informations sur l'événement
Location: 320 rte O'Brien, Lefebvre, QC J0H 2C0
Date: Friday, May 10, 2024 - Saturday, May 11, 2024
Performance Times: May 10 at 8:00 pm; May 11 at 8:00 pm (2 performances)
Slack: May 10 after performance; May 11 at 3:00pm *NEW TIMES*
Title: Rodeo Ranch Traversy [IPRA]
Events: BB, SB, BR $1,500 ADM - $100 EF; BAR $500 ADM - $75 EF; NSB, NBB, JBR, JBAR $100 ADM - $30 EF; SR - $30 EF (no added money); Total $5,400; Fees: Total $20 STK/CEF/FF
Additional Events: Pickup Race, Exchange Race $50 EF - $350 ADM; Fees: $10 per horse per event
Books Open: Mon April 29 at 9am online only at www.ipracanada.com
Books Close: Mon April 29 at 9pm
Callbacks: Posted online at ipracanada.com on Wed May 1 by 4pm
*No changes will be allowed after callbacks are done at 9pm.*
*If you are highlighted in red, you must contact the secretary or you will be turned out. Text to 905-432-5980.*
Producer: WildTime Rodeo
May 25-26 | Festival Country Norwest, Mirabel, QC - Completed
Callbacks finaux du rodéo | Rodeo Final Callbacks
Sanction Information | Informations sur l'événement
Location: 12800 Boul Hendri-Fabre, Mirabel, QC J7N 0A6
Date: Saturday, May 25, 2024 - Sunday, May 26, 2024
Performance Times: May 25 at 5:15 pm; May 26 at 1:00 pm (2 performances)
Slack: N/A
Title: Festival Country Norwest [IPRA]
Events: BB, SB, BR $2,500 ADM - $100 EF; NSB, NBB, JBR $300 ADM - $50 EF; SR $100 ADM - $20 EF; CR - $20 EF (no added money); Total $8,500; Fees: Total $20 STK/CEF/FF
Books Open: Mon May 13 at 9am online only at www.ipracanada.com
Books Close: Mon May 13 at 9pm
Callbacks: Posted online at ipracanada.com on Wed May 15 by 4pm
*No changes will be allowed after callbacks are done at 9pm.*
*If you are highlighted in red, you must contact the secretary or you will be turned out. Text to 905-432-5980.*
Producer: WildTime Rodeo
June 7-8 | Festival du Cheval de Princeville, Princeville, QC - Completed
**Si vous n'aviez pas d'adhésion lors de votre inscription, vous serez en rouge. Si vous avez acheté un abonnement depuis, vous n’avez pas besoin de faire de suivi auprès du secrétaire. Il sera mis à jour avant l'événement.
**If you didn't have a membership when you inscribed, you will be in red. If you purchased a membership since then, you do not need to follow-up with the secretary. It will be updated before the event.
Cliquez ici pour les callbacks finaux du Rodeo | Rodeo Final Callbacks
Cliquez ici pour les callbacks finaux de gymkhana | Gymkhana Final Callbacks
Sanction Information | Informations sur l'événement
Location: 55 rue Baillargeon, Princeville, QC
Date: Friday, June 7, 2024 - Saturday, June 8, 2024
Performance Times: June 7 at 8:00 pm; June 8 at 8:00 pm (2 performances)
Slack: June 7 at 5pm if required; June 8 at 8am if required
Title: Festival du Cheval de Princeville [IPRA]
Events: BB, SB, BR, SW, TD, TR (one head only), BAR, LBK $1,000 ADM - $90 EF; NSB, NBB, JBR, JBAR $250 ADM - $30 EF; JSR - $30 EF (no added money); Total $9,000; Fees: Total $20 STK/CEF/FF; +$10 for timed events
Additional Events: Pickup Race & Exchange Race $50 EF - $1,000 ADM; Fees: $10 per horse per event
Books Open: Mon May 27 at 9am online only at www.ipracanada.com
Books Close: Mon May 27 at 9pm
Callbacks: Posted online at ipracanada.com on Wed May 29 by 4pm
*If you are highlighted in red, you must contact the secretary or you will be turned out. Text to 905-432-5980.*
Producer: ERQ Rodeo
Ticket sales: At the door only
June 14-16 | Rodeo de Ayer's Cliff, Ayer's Cliff, QC - Completed
- Une fois que callbacks est affiché, les concurrents peuvent échanger ou turnout.
Si un concurrent doit se retirer d'une épreuve, veuillez utiliser le Formulaire de demande de changement (nouveau en 2024). Les échanges nécessitent le nom du concurrent avec lequel vous échangez des places. - Once callbacks are posted, contestants may trade or turnout.
If a contestant needs to turnout of an event, please use the Change Request Form (new in 2024). Trades require a name of the contestant you are trading places with. - Si vous n'aviez pas d'adhésion lors de votre inscription, vous serez en rouge. Si vous avez acheté un abonnement depuis, vous n’avez pas besoin de faire de suivi auprès du secrétaire. Il sera mis à jour avant l'événement.
- If you didn't have a membership when you inscribed, you will be in red. If you purchased a membership since then, you do not need to follow-up with the secretary. It will be updated before the event.
Cliquez ici pour les callbacks finaux du Rodeo | Rodeo Final Callbacks
Cliquez ici pour les callbacks finaux de gymkhana | Gymkhana Final Callbacks
Sanction Information | Informations sur l'événement
Location: 977 Main Street, Ayer's Cliff, QC
Date: Friday, June 14, 2023 - Sunday, June 16, 2024
Performance Times: June 14 at 7:30 pm; June 15 at 7:00 pm; June 16 at 1:00 pm (3 performances)
Slack: June 14 at 6:00pm; June 15 at 9:00am; June 16 at 11:30am if required
Title: Rodéo d'Ayer's Cliff [IPRA]
Events: BB, SB, BR, SW, TD, TR (one head), BAR, LBK $1,000 ADM - $90 EF; NSB, NBB, JBR, JBAR $250 ADM - $30 EF; JSR - $30 EF (no added money); Total $9,000; Fees: Total $30 STK/CEF/FF
Additional Events: Pickup Race & Exchange Race $50 EF - $1,000 ADM; Fees: $10 per horse per event
Books Open: Mon June 3 at 9am online only at www.ipracanada.com
Books Close: Mon June 3 at 9pm
Callbacks: Posted online at ipracanada.com on Wed June 5 by 4pm
*No changes will be allowed after callbacks are done at 9pm.*
*If you are highlighted in red, you must contact the secretary or you will be turned out. Text to 905-432-5980.*
Producer: ERQ Rodeo
Ticket sales: At the door only
June 14-16 | Alvinston Pro Rodeo, Alvinston, ON - Completed
- Once callbacks are posted, contestants may trade or turnout.
If a contestant needs to turnout of an event, please use the Change Request Form (new in 2024). Trades require a name of the contestant you are trading places with. - If you didn't have a membership when you inscribed, you will be in red. If you purchased a membership since then, you do not need to follow-up with the secretary. It will be updated before the event.
Cliquez ici pour les callbacks finaux du Rodeo | Rodeo Finals Callbacks
Sanction Information | Informations sur l'événement
Location: Brooke-Alvinston Fairgrounds, 3310 Walnut Street, Alvinston, ON N0N 1A0
Date: Friday, June 14, Saturday, June 15 and Sunday, June 16, 2024
Performance Times: June 14 at 7:00 pm; June 15 at 7:00 pm; June 16 at 2:00pm (3 performances)
Slack: June 14 and 15 after if required; June 16 at 9 am
Title: Alvinston Pro Rodeo [IPRA]
Events: BB, SB, BR $2,000 ADM - $90 EF; SW, TD, TR, BAR, LBK $1,500 ADM - $80 EF; NSB, NBB $250 ADM - $30 EF; PB $1,000 ADM - $70 EF; JBAR, JBR, JPB $150 ADM - $25 EF; SR - $20 EF and CR - $10 EF (no added money); Total $15,450; Fees: Total $30 STK/CEF/FF
Books Open: Mon June 3 at 9am online only at www.ipracanada.com
Books Close: Mon June 3 at 9pm
Callbacks: Posted online at ipracanada.com on Wed June 5 by 4pm
*No changes will be allowed after callbacks are done at 9pm.*
*If you are highlighted in red, you must contact the secretary or you will be turned out. Text to 905-432-5980.*
Producer: Rawhide Rodeo
Ticket sales: www.alvinstonprorodeo.com
June 20 | Festival Western La Sarre Pro Bull Riding, La Sarre, QC - Completed
Sanction Information | Informations sur l'événement
Location: Festival Western Abitibi West, 362 Rue Principale, La Sarre, QC J9Z 1Z5
Date: Thursday, June 20, 2024
Performance Times: June 20 at 7:30 pm (1 performance)
Title: Festival Western La Sarre Pro Bull Riding [IPRA]
Events: BR $5,000 ADM - $100 EF; Total $5,000;
Fees: Total $20 STK/CEF/FF
Books Open: Mon June 10 at 9am online only at www.ipracanada.com
Books Close: Mon June 10 at 9pm
Callbacks: Posted online at ipracanada.com on Wed June 12 by 4pm
*No changes will be allowed after callbacks are done at 9pm.*
*If you are highlighted in red, you must contact the secretary or you will be turned out. Text to 905-432-5980.*
Producer: Rawhide Rodeo
June 21-22 | Festival Western La Sarre, La Sarre, QC - Completed
Sanction Information | Informations sur l'événement
Location: Festival Western Abitibi West, 362 Rue Principale, La Sarre, QC J9Z 1Z5
Date: Friday, June 21 - Saturday, June 22, 2024
Performance Times: June 21 at 7:30 pm; June 22 at 7:30 pm (2 performances)
Slack: After if required
Title: Festival Western La Sarre Pro Rodeo [IPRA]
Events: BB, SB, BR, BAR $5,000 ADM - $100 EF; NSB, NBB $500 ADM - $30 EF; JBAR $500 ADM - $25 EF; JBR $200 ADM - $25 EF; SR $200 ADM - $20 EF; CR $100 ADM - $10 EF; Total $22,000; Fees: Total $20 STK/CEF/FF
Note: Bull Riding will be limited to 20 entries per day
Additional Events: Pickup Race & Exchange Race $100 EF - $7,500 ADM; Fees: $10 per horse per event
Books Open: Mon June 10 at 9am online only at www.ipracanada.com
Books Close: Mon June 10 at 9pm
Callbacks: Posted online at ipracanada.com on Wed June 12 by 4pm
*No changes will be allowed after callbacks are done at 9pm.*
*If you are highlighted in red, you must contact the secretary or you will be turned out. Text to 905-432-5980.*
Producer: Rawhide Rodeo
June 22-23 | Rodéo Charlevoix, St. Aimé des Lacs, QC - Completed
Sanction Information | Informations sur l'événement
Location: 188 rue Principale, St. Aimé des Lacs, QC
Date: Saturday, June 22, 2024 - Sunday, June 23, 2024
Performance Times: June 22 at 3:00 pm; June 23 at 1:30 pm (2 performances)
Slack: June 22 after; June 23 at 12:00 pm
Title: Rodéo Charlevoix [IPRA]
Events: BB, SB, BR, SW, TD, BAR, TR (one head) $2,000 ADM - $100 EF; NSB, NBB, JBR, JBAR $250 ADM - $30 EF; JSR - $30 EF (no added money); Total $15,000; Fees: Total $30 STK/CEF/FF
Additional Events: Pickup Race & Exchange Race $50 EF - $2,000 ADM; Fees: $10 per horse per event
Books Open: Mon June 10 at 9am online only at www.ipracanada.com
Books Close: Mon June 10 at 9pm
Callbacks: Posted online at ipracanada.com on Wed June 12 by 4pm
*No changes will be allowed after callbacks are done at 9pm.*
*If you are highlighted in red, you must contact the secretary or you will be turned out. Text to 905-432-5980.*
Producer: ERQ Rodeo
Ticket sales: At the door only
June 28-29 | Festival Country St-Antonin, St-Antonin, QC - Completed
Sanction Information | Informations sur l'événement
Location: 17 rue Pelletier, St-Antonin, QC
Date: Friday, June 28 - Saturday, June 29, 2024
Performance Times: June 28 at 8:00 pm; June 29 at 8:00 pm (2 performances)
Slack: After perf June 28; June 29 at 1 pm
Title: Festival Country St-Antonin [IPRA]
Events: BB, SB, BR, SW, TD, BAR $2,500 ADM - $100 EF; LBK $1000 ADM - $90 EF; NSB, NBB, $500 ADM - $50 EF; JBR $500 ADM - $30 EF; JBAR $100 ADM - $30 EF; SR, CR - $30 EF (no added money); Total $17,600; Fees: Total $30 STK/CEF/FF
Additional Events: Pickup Race, Exchange Race and Poney Express $100 EF - $2,500 ADM; Fees: $10 per horse per event
Books Open: Mon June 17 at 9am online only at www.ipracanada.com
Books Close: Mon June 17 at 9pm
Callbacks: Posted online at ipracanada.com on Wed June 19 by 4pm
*No changes will be allowed after callbacks are done at 9pm.*
*If you are highlighted in red, you must contact the secretary or you will be turned out. Text to 905-432-5980.*
Producer: WildTime Rodeo
June 28-30 | Rodéo Ste-Catherine-de-la-Jacques-Cartier, QC - Completed
Sanction Information | Informations sur l'événement
Location: 4 rue Louis Joliet, Ste Catherine de la Jacques Cartier, QC
Date: Friday, June 28, Saturday, June 29 and Sunday, June 30, 2024
Performance Times: June 28 at 8:00 pm; June 29 at 8:00 pm; June 30 at 8:00 pm (3 performances)
Slack: June 28 at 5:30pm; June 29 at 5:30pm and June 30 at 10:00am
Title: Rodéo Ste Catherine de la Jacques Cartier [IPRA]
Events: BB, SB, BR, SW, TD, TR (one head), BAR, LBK $1,000 ADM - $90 EF; NSB, NBB, JBR, JBAR $250 ADM - $30 EF; JSR - $30 EF (no added money); Total $9,000; Fees: Total $30 STK/CEF/FF
Additional Events: Pickup Race & Exchange Race $50 EF - $1,500 ADM; Fees: $10 per horse per event
Books Open: Mon June 17 at 9am online only at www.ipracanada.com
Books Close: Mon June 17 at 9pm
Callbacks: Posted online at ipracanada.com on Wed June 19 by 4pm
*No changes will be allowed after callbacks are done at 9pm.*
*If you are highlighted in red, you must contact the secretary or you will be turned out. Text to 905-432-5980.*
Producer: ERQ Rodeo
June 29-June 30 | Holstein Pro Rodeo, Holstein, ON - Completed
Sanction Information | Informations sur l'événement
Location: Lewis Land and Stock, 392174 Concession 2, Grey Road 109, Holstein, ON
Date: Saturday, June 29 and Sunday, June 30, 2024
Performance Times: June 29 at 7:00 pm; June 30 at 7:00 pm (2 performances)
Slack: June 29 after if required; June 30 at 12pm
Title: Holstein Agro Expo and Pro Rodeo [IPRA]
Events: BB, SB, BR, SW, TD, TR, BAR, LBK $1,000 ADM - $70 EF; NSB, NBB $500 ADM - $50 EF; PB $500 ADM - $50 EF; JBAR, JBR, JPB $250 ADM - $25 EF; SR - $20 EF and CR - $10 EF (no added money); Total $10,250; Fees: Total $30 STK/CEF/FF
Books Open: Mon June 17 at 9am online only at www.ipracanada.com
Books Close: Mon June 17 at 9pm
Callbacks: Posted online at ipracanada.com on Wed June 19 by 4pm
*No changes will be allowed after callbacks are done at 9pm.*
*If you are highlighted in red, you must contact the secretary or you will be turned out. Text to 905-432-5980.*
Producer: Rawhide Rodeo
Ticket sales: www.holsteinagroexpo.com
July 1 | Holstein Pro Bull Riding, Holstein, ON - Completed
Sanction Information | Informations sur l'événement
Location: Lewis Land and Stock, 392174 Concession 2, Grey Road 109, Holstein, ON
Date: Sunday, July 1, 2024
Performance Times: 7:00 pm
Title: Holstein Agro Expo Pro Bull Riding [IPRA]
Events: BR $5,000 ADM - $100 EF; JBR $500 ADM - $40; Total $5,500; Fees: Total $20 STK/CEF/FF
Books Open: Mon June 17 at 9am online only at www.ipracanada.com
Books Close: Mon June 17 at 9pm
Callbacks: Posted online at ipracanada.com on Wed June 19 by 4pm
*No changes will be allowed after callbacks are done at 9pm.*
*If you are highlighted in red, you must contact the secretary or you will be turned out. Text to 905-432-5980.*
Producer: Rawhide Rodeo
Ticket sales: www.holsteinagroexpo.com
July 5-6 | Festival Country de Labrecque, Labrecque, QC - Completed
Sanction Information | Informations sur l'événement
Location: Festival Country de Lebrecque, 3425 rue Amboise, Labrecque, QC
Date: Friday, July 5 - Saturday, July 6, 2024
Performance Times: July 5 at 7:00 pm; July 6 at 6:30 pm (2 performances)
Slack: July 5 after the performance; July 6 at 3:30pm
Title: Festival Country de Lebrecque [IPRA]
Events: BB, SB, BR, SW, TD, BAR $1,500 ADM - $90 EF; TR (2 head ), LBK $500 ADM - $60 EF; NSB, NBB, JBR, JBAR $250 ADM - $30 EF; JSR - $30 EF (no added money); Total $11,000; Fees: Total $30 STK/CEF/FF
Additional Events: Pickup Race & Exchange Race $50 EF - $1,500 ADM; Fees: $10 per horse per event
Books Open: Mon June 24 at 9am online only at www.ipracanada.com
Books Close: Mon June 24 at 9pm
Callbacks: Posted online at ipracanada.com on Wed June 26 by 4pm
*No changes will be allowed after callbacks are done at 9pm.*
*If you are highlighted in red, you must contact the secretary or you will be turned out. Text to 905-432-5980.*
Producer: ERQ Rodeo
Ticket sales: At the door only
July 6-7 | Dungannon Pro Rodeo, Dungannon, ON - Completed
Sanction Information | Informations sur l'événement
Location: Dungannon Fairgrounds, 36897 Dungannon Rd., Dungannon, ON N0M 1R0
Date: Saturday, July 6 and Sunday, July 7, 2024
Performance Times: July 6 at 6:00 pm; July 7 at 2:00 pm (2 performances)
Slack: July 6 after if required; July 7 at 9 am
Title: Dungannon Pro Rodeo [IPRA]
Events: BB, SB, BR, SW, TD, TR, BAR, LBK $1,000 ADM - $70 EF; NSB, NBB $150 ADM - $30 EF; JBR $500 ADM - $25 EF (PM increase); PB $350 ADM - $50 EF; JBAR, JPB $150 ADM - $25 EF; SR - $20 EF and CR - $10 EF (no added money); Total $9,450; Fees: Total $30 STK/CEF/FF
Books Open: Mon June 24 at 9am online only at www.ipracanada.com
Books Close: Mon June 24 at 9pm
Callbacks: Posted online at ipracanada.com on Wed June 26 by 4pm
*No changes will be allowed after callbacks are done at 9pm.*
*If you are highlighted in red, you must contact the secretary or you will be turned out. Text to 905-432-5980.*
Producer: Rawhide Rodeo
Ticket sales: www.dungannonprorodeo.com
July 12-13 | Festival Western de St-Quentin, St-Quentin, NB - Completed
Sanction Information | Informations sur l'événement
Location: St-Quentin Arena, 71 rue Pelletier, St-Quentin, NB E8A 1Y4
Date: Friday, July 12, 2024 - Saturday, July 13, 2024
Performance Times: July 12 at 7:00 pm; July 13 at 2:00 pm *Atlantic Time (2 performances)
Slack: July 12 at 2 pm; July 13 at 9 am
Title: Festival Western de St-Quentin [IPRA]
Events: BB, SB, BR, SW, TD, BAR $3,000 ADM - $100 EF; LBK $1,000 ADM - $70 EF; NSB, NBB, JBR $750 ADM - $30 EF; JBAR $100 ADM - $30 EF; SR, CR - $30 EF (no added money); Total $21,350; Fees: Total $30 STK/CEF/FF
Additional Events: Pickup Race, Exchange Race and Poney Express $100 EF - $3,000 ADM; Fees: $10 per horse per event
Books Open: Mon July 1 at 9am online only at www.ipracanada.com
Books Close: Mon July 1 at 9pm
Callbacks: Posted online at ipracanada.com on Wed July 3 by 4pm
*No changes will be allowed after callbacks are done at 9pm.*
*If you are highlighted in red, you must contact the secretary or you will be turned out. Text to 905-432-5980.*
Producer: WildTime Rodeo
July 12-13 | Rodéo 255, Baie-du-Febvre, QC - Completed
Sanction Information | Informations sur l'événement
Location: Rodéo 255, 286 principale, Baie-du-Febvre, QC
Date: Friday, July 12 - Saturday, July 13, 2024
Performance Times: July 12 and 13 at 7:30 pm (2 performances)
Slack: July 12 at 4:00pm and July 13 at 9:30am
Title: Rodéo 255 [IPRA]
Events: BB, SB, BR, SW, TD, BAR, TR, LBK $800 ADM - $80 EF; NSB, NBB, JBR, JBAR $250 ADM - $30 EF; JSR - $30 EF (no added money); Total $7,400; Fees: Total $30 STK/CEF/FF
Additional Events: Pickup Race & Exchange Race $50 EF - $1,000 ADM; Fees: $10 per horse per event
Books Open: Mon July 1 at 9am online only at www.ipracanada.com
Books Close: Mon July 1 at 9pm
Callbacks: Posted online at ipracanada.com on Wed July 3 by 4pm
*No changes will be allowed after callbacks are done at 9pm.*
*If you are highlighted in red, you must contact the secretary or you will be turned out. Text to 905-432-5980.*
Producer: ERQ Rodeo
Ticket sales: At the door only
July 13 | Woodstock Extreme Pro Rodeo, Woodstock, ON - Completed
Sanction Information | Informations sur l'événement
Location: Woodstock Fairgrounds, 875 Nellis St., Woodstock, ON
Date: Saturday, July 13, 2024
Performance Times: July 13 at 2:00 pm (1 performance)
Slack: July 13 after if required
Title: Woodstock Extreme Pro Rodeo [IPRA]
Events: BB, SB, BR, BAR $1,500 ADM - $80 EF; PB $350 ADM - $50 EF; JBAR, JBR, JPB $150 ADM - $25 EF; SR - $20 EF (no added money); Total $6,800; Fees: Total $20 STK/CEF/FF
Books Open: Mon July 1 at 9am online only at www.ipracanada.com
Books Close: Mon July 1 at 9pm
Callbacks: Posted online at ipracanada.com on Wed July 3 by 4pm
*No changes will be allowed after callbacks are done at 9pm.*
*If you are highlighted in red, you must contact the secretary or you will be turned out. Text to 905-432-5980.*
Producer: Rawhide Rodeo
Ticket sales: www.greatrodeo.com
July 20-21 | Norfolk Pro Rodeo, Norfolk, ON - Completed
Sanction Information | Informations sur l'événement
Location: Timmermans Ranch, 2454 Nixon Rd., Simcoe, ON
Date: Saturday, July 20 and Sunday, July 21, 2024
Performance Times: July 20 at 4:00 pm; July 21 at 2:00 pm (2 performances)
Slack: July 20 after if required; July 21 at 9 am
Title: Norfolk Pro Rodeo [IPRA]
Events: BB, SB, BR, SW, TD, TR, BAR, LBK $1,000 ADM - $70 EF; NSB, NBB $300 ADM - $30 EF; PB $350 ADM - $50 EF; JBAR, JBR $200 ADM - $25; JPB $150 ADM - $25 EF; SR - $20 EF and CR - $10 EF (no added money); Total $9,500; Fees: Total $30 STK/CEF/FF
Books Open: Mon July 8 at 9am online only at www.ipracanada.com
Books Close: Mon July 8 at 9pm
Callbacks: Posted online at ipracanada.com on Wed July 10 by 4pm
*No changes will be allowed after callbacks are done at 9pm.*
*If you are highlighted in red, you must contact the secretary or you will be turned out. Text to 905-432-5980.*
Producer: Rawhide Rodeo
Ticket sales: www.norfolkrodeo.com
July 25-27 | Rodeo St-Andre-Avellin, St-Andre-Avellin, QC - Completed
Sanction Information | Informations sur l'événement
Location: 530 rue Charles-Auguste Montreuil, St-Andre-Avellin, QC
Date: Thursday, July 25, 2024 - Saturday, July 27, 2024
Performance Times: July 25 at 8:00 pm; July 26 at 8:00 pm; July 27 at 8:00 pm (3 performances)
Slack: July 25 after perf if required; July 26 and July 27 at 1 pm
Title: Rodeo St-Andre-Avellin [IPRA]
Events: BB, SB, BR, SW, TD, BAR $3,000 ADM - $100 EF; LBK $1,000 ADM - $90 EF; NSB, NBB, JBR $500 ADM - $30 EF; JBAR $250 ADM - $30 EF; SR $250 ADM - $30 EF; CR - $30 EF (no added money); Total $21,000; Fees: Total $30 STK/CEF/FF
Additional Events: Pickup Race, Exchange Race and Poney Express $100 EF - $3,000 ADM; Fees: $10 per horse per event
Books Open: Mon July 15 at 9am online only at www.ipracanada.com
Books Close: Mon July 15 at 9pm
Callbacks: Posted online at ipracanada.com on Wed July 17 by 4pm
*No changes will be allowed after callbacks are done at 9pm.*
*If you are highlighted in red, you must contact the secretary or you will be turned out. Text to 905-432-5980.*
Producer: WildTime Rodeo
July 25-28 | Festivitès Western de St-Victor, St-Victor de Beauce, QC - Completed
Sanction Information | Informations sur l'événement
Location: Festivités Western de St-Victor, 30 rue du Parc, St-Victor de Beauce, QC
Date: Thursday, July 25 - Sunday, July 28, 2024
Performance Times: July 25, 26, 27 at 7:30 pm; July 28 at 4:00 pm (4 performances)
Slack: July 25 and 26 at 3:30pm; July 27 and 28 after if required
Title: Festivités Western de St-Victor [IPRA]
Events: BB, SB $5,000 ADM - $150 EF; BR, SW, TD, BAR $3,500 ADM - $150 EF; TR (1 head ) $2,000 ADM - $110 EF; LBK $2,000 ADM - $110 EF; NSB, NBB $1,000 ADM - $90 EF; JBR, JBAR $500 ADM - $30 EF; JSR - $30 EF (no added money); Total $31,000; Fees: Total $30 STK/CEF/FF
Additional Events: Pickup Race & Exchange Race $50 EF - $2,500 ADM; Fees: $10 per horse per event
Books Open: Mon July 15 at 9am online only at www.ipracanada.com
Books Close: Mon July 15 at 9pm
Callbacks: Posted online at ipracanada.com on Wed July 17 by 4pm
*No changes will be allowed after callbacks are done at 9pm.*
*If you are highlighted in red, you must contact the secretary or you will be turned out. Text to 905-432-5980.*
Producer: ERQ Rodeo
July 26-28 | Kingsville Pro Rodeo, Kingsville, ON - Completed
Sanction Information | Informations sur l'événement
Location: Trimble Farms Cattle Company, 383 Belle River Rd., Kingsville, ON
Date: Friday, July 26 - Sunday, July 28, 2024
Performance Times: July 26 and 27 at 7:00 pm; July 28 at 2:00 pm (3 performances)
Slack: July 26 and 27 after if required; July 28 at 9 am
Title: Kingville Pro Rodeo [IPRA]
Events: BB, SB, BR, SW, TD, TR, BAR, LBK $1,000 ADM - $70 EF; NSB, NBB $150 ADM - $30 EF; PB $350 ADM - $50 EF; JBAR, JPB $150 ADM - $25 EF; SR - $20 EF and CR - $10 EF (no added money); **NEW** JBR $500 each performance - $25 EF (enter once, twice or three times); Total $9,100; Fees: Total $30 STK/CEF/FF
Books Open: Mon July 15 at 9am online only at www.ipracanada.com
Books Close: Mon July 15 at 9pm
Callbacks: Posted online at ipracanada.com on Wed July 17 by 4pm
*No changes will be allowed after callbacks are done at 9pm.*
*If you are highlighted in red, you must contact the secretary or you will be turned out. Text to 905-432-5980.*
Producer: Rawhide Rodeo
Ticket sales: www.kingsvilleprorodeo.ca
July 29-31 | Exposition Agricole St. Hyacinthe, St. Hyacinthe, QC - Completed
Sanction Information | Informations sur l'événement
Location: Exposition Agricole St. Hyacinthe, 2670 rue Beauparlant, St. Hyacinthe, QC
Date: Monday, July 29 to Wednesday, July 31, 2024
Performance Times: 7:30 pm each day (3 performances)
Slack: July 29 after the performance; July 30 and 31 at 4:00pm
Title: Exposition Agricole St. Hyacinthe [IPRA]
Events: BB, SB, BR, SW, TD, BAR, TR (one head) $1,000 ADM - $90 EF; LBK $500 ADM - $70 EF; NSB, NBB, JBR, JBAR $250 ADM - $30 EF; JSR - $30 EF (no added money); Total $8,500; Fees: Total $30 STK/CEF/FF
Books Open: Mon July 22 at 9am online only at www.ipracanada.com
Books Close: Mon July 22 at 9pm
Callbacks: Posted online at ipracanada.com on Wed July 24 by 4pm
*No changes will be allowed after callbacks are done at 9pm.*
*If you are highlighted in red, you must contact the secretary or you will be turned out. Text to 905-432-5980.*
Producer: ERQ Rodeo
August 2-3 | Festival des Compétition Western, Ste. Brigide d'Iberville, QC - Completed
Sanction Information | Informations sur l'événement
Location: Festival des Compétition Western, 499 8leme rang, Ste. Brigide d'Iberville, QC
Date: Friday, August 2 - Saturday, August 3, 2024
Performance Times: August 2 at 7:30 pm and August 3 at 7:00 pm (2 performances)
Slack: August 2 after the performance and August 3 at 4:00pm
Title: Festival des Compétition Western Ste. Brigide d'Iberville [IPRA]
Events: BB, SB, BR, SW, TD, BAR $800 ADM - $80 EF; LBK $500 ADM - $60 EF; NSB, NBB, JBR, JBAR $250 ADM - $30 EF; JSR - $30 EF (no added money); Total $6,300; Fees: Total $30 STK/CEF/FF
Additional Events: Pickup Race & Exchange Race $50 EF - $1,000 ADM; Fees: $10 per horse per event
Books Open: Mon July 22 at 9am online only at www.ipracanada.com
Books Close: Mon July 22 at 9pm
Callbacks: Posted online at ipracanada.com on Wed July 24 by 4pm
*No changes will be allowed after callbacks are done at 9pm.*
*If you are highlighted in red, you must contact the secretary or you will be turned out. Text to 905-432-5980.*
Producer: ERQ Rodeo
August 3-4 | Holmdale Pro Rodeo, Walkerton, ON - Completed
Sanction Information | Informations sur l'événement
Location: Holmdale Farms, 808 Conc. 6 E., Walkerton, ON N0G 2V0
Date: Saturday, August 3 - Sunday, August 4, 2024
Performance Times: 2:00 pm both days (2 performances)
Slack: August 3 after if required; August 4 at 9 am
Title: Holmdale Pro Rodeo [IPRA]
Events: BB, SB, BR, SW, TD, TR, BAR, LBK $1,000 ADM - $70 EF;
NSB, NBB $500 ADM - $30 EF;
PB $500 ADM - $50 EF;
JBR $500 ADM each performance - $25 EF;
JBAR, JPB $250 ADM - $25 EF;
SR $100 ADM - $20 EF and
CR - $10 EF (no added money);
Gymkhana Pickup Race $500 ADM - $50 EF;
Total $11,600; Fees: Total $30 STK/CEF/FF
Books Open: Mon July 22 at 9am online only at www.ipracanada.com
Books Close: Mon July 22 at 9pm
Callbacks: Posted online at ipracanada.com on Wed July 24 by 4pm
*No changes will be allowed after callbacks are done at 9pm.*
*If you are highlighted in red, you must contact the secretary or you will be turned out. Text to 905-432-5980.*
Producer: Rawhide Rodeo
Ticket sales: www.rodeoholmdale.ca
August 3-4 | Festival du Cowboy, Chambord, QC - Completed
Sanction Information | Informations sur l'événement
Location: 71, boulevard de la Montagne, Chambord QC
Date: Saturday, August 3, 2024 - Sunday, August 4, 2024
Performance Times: August 3 at 8:00 pm; August 4 at 2:00 pm (2 performances)
Slack: August 3 at 2 pm; August 4 at 10:30 am
Title: Festival du Cowboy [IPRA]
Events: BB, SB, BR, SW, TD, BAR $2,000 ADM - $100 EF; NSB, NBB, JBR $500 ADM - $30 EF; JBAR $100 ADM - $30 EF; SR, CR - $30 EF (no added money); Total $13,600; Fees: Total $30 STK/CEF/FF
Additional Events: Pickup Race, Exchange Race and Poney Express $100 EF - $2,000 ADM; Fees: $10 per horse per event
Books Open: Mon July 22 at 9am online only at www.ipracanada.com
Books Close: Mon July 22 at 9pm
Callbacks: Posted online at ipracanada.com on Wed July 24 by 4pm
*If you are highlighted in red, you must contact the secretary or you will be turned out. Text to 905-432-5980.*
Producer: WildTime Rodeo
August 9-10 | Festival Western de Guigues, St-Bruno-de-Guigues, QC - Completed
Sanction Information | Informations sur l'événement
Location: Festival Western de Guigues, St-Bruno de Guigues Arena, 21 Principale, St-Bruno-de-Guigues, QC
Date: Friday, August 9 - Saturday, August 10, 2024
Performance Times: August 9 at 7:30 pm; August 10 at 7:30 pm (2 performances)
Slack: After if required
Title: Festival Western de Guigues [IPRA]
Events: BB, SB, BR $3,000 ADM - $100 EF; BAR $3,500 ADM. $100 EF; NSB, NBB $500 ADM - $30 EF; JBR, JBAR $500 ADM - $25 EF; Total $14,500; Fees: Total $20 STK/CEF/FF
Additional Events: Pickup Race & Exchange Race $100 EF - $5,000 ADM; Fees: $10 per horse per event
Books Open: Mon July 29 at 9am online only at www.ipracanada.com
Books Close: Mon July 29 at 9pm
Callbacks: Posted online at ipracanada.com on Wed July 31 by 4pm
*If you are highlighted in red, you must contact the secretary or you will be turned out. Text to 905-432-5980.*
Producer: Rawhide Rodeo
August 9-10 | Festival Country Western, St-Gabriel-de-Rimouski, QC - Completed
Sanction Information | Informations sur l'événement
Location: 103 rue Leblanc, Saint-Gabriel-de-Rimouski, QC
Date: Friday, August 9 - Saturday, August 10, 2024
Performance Times: August 9 and 10 at 7:30 pm (2 performances)
Slack: August 9 after the performance and August 10 at 6:30pm
Title: Festival Country Western St-Gabriel-de-Rimouski [IPRA]
Events: BB, SB, BR, BAR $3,000 ADM - $120 EF; NSB, NBB $500 ADM - $80 EF; JBAR, JBR $250 ADM - $30 EF; JSR - $30 EF (no added money); Total $13,500; Fees: Total $20 STK/CEF/FF
Books Open: Mon July 29 at 9am online only at www.ipracanada.com
Books Close: Mon July 29 at 9pm
Callbacks: Posted online at ipracanada.com on Wed July 31 by 4pm
*No changes will be allowed after callbacks are done at 9pm.*
*If you are highlighted in red, you must contact the secretary or you will be turned out. Text to 905-432-5980.*
Producer: ERQ Rodeo
Ticket sales: At the door only
August 16-17 | Festival Western Malartic, Malartic, QC - Completed
Sanction Information | Informations sur l'événement
Location: Festival Western de Malartic, Malartic Fairgrounds, 550 4th Ave., Malartic, QC
Date: Friday, August 16 - Saturday, August 17, 2024
Performance Times: August 16 at 7:30 pm; August 17 at 7:30 pm (2 performances)
Slack: Barrel racing slack only on Saturday moved to 5:30pm
Title: Festival Western de Malartic [IPRA]
Events: BAR $5,000 ADM - $100 EF; BB, SB, BR $3,000 ADM - $100 EF; NSB, NBB $1,000 ADM - $50 EF; JBAR, JBR $1,000 ADM - $50 EF; Total $18,000; Fees: Total $20 STK/CEF/FF
Additional Events: Pickup Race & Exchange Race $100 EF - $4,750 ADM; Fees: $10 per horse per event
Books Open: Mon August 5 at 9am online only at www.ipracanada.com
Books Close: Mon August 5 at 9pm
Callbacks: Posted online at ipracanada.com on Wed August 7 by 4pm
*No changes will be allowed after callbacks are done at 9pm.*
*If you are highlighted in red, you must contact the secretary or you will be turned out. Text to 905-432-5980.*
Producer: Rawhide Rodeo
August 16-17 | Festival Western du Boisé, Shipshaw, QC - Completed
Cliquez ici pour les callbacks finaux au rodéo | Rodeo Final Callbacks
Cliquez ici pour les callbacks finaux au Gymkhana | Gymkhana Final Callbacks
Sanction Information | Informations sur l'événement
Location: Festival Western du Boisé, 3720 Route Brassard, Shipshaw, QC
Date: Friday, August 16 - Saturday, August 17, 2024
Performance Times: 8:00 pm each day (2 performances)
Slack: August 16 after the performance and August 17 at 1:00pm
Title: Festival Western du Boisé [IPRA]
Events: BB, SB, BR, SW, TD, BAR $1,500 ADM - $100 EF; TR (2 head), LBK $1,000 ADM - $90 EF; NSB, NBB, JBR, JBAR $250 ADM - $30 EF; JSR - $30 EF (no added money); Total $12,000; Fees: Total $20 STK/CEF/FF
Additional Events: Pickup Race & Exchange Race $50 EF - $1,500 ADM; Fees: $10 per horse per event
Books Open: Mon August 5 at 9am online only at www.ipracanada.com
Books Close: Mon August 5 at 9pm
Callbacks: Posted online at ipracanada.com on Wed August 7 by 4pm
*No changes will be allowed after callbacks are done at 9pm.*
*If you are highlighted in red, you must contact the secretary or you will be turned out. Text to 905-432-5980.*
Producer: ERQ Rodeo
August 23-24 | Rodeo de l'Entete, Mirabel, QC - Completed
Sanction Information | Informations sur l'événement
Location: 15460 chemin Charles, Mirabel, QC J7J 0V5
Date: Friday, August 23, 2024 - Saturday, August 24, 2024
Performance Times: August 23 at 7:30 pm; August 24 at 7:30 pm (2 performances)
Slack: Aug 23 after the perf; Aug 24 at 1:00pm if required
Title: Rodeo de l'Entete [IPRA]
Events: BB, SB, BR, SW, TD, BAR $2,000 ADM - $100 EF; LBK $1,000 ADM - $50 EF; NSB, NBB $500 ADM - $50 EF; JBR $500 ADM - $30 EF; JBAR $100 ADM - $30 EF; SR, CR - $20 EF (no added money); Total $14,600; Fees: Total $30 STK/CEF/FF
Additional Events: Pickup Race, Exchange Race and Poney Express $100 EF - $2,000 ADM; Fees: $10 per horse per event
Books Open: Mon August 12 at 9am online only at www.ipracanada.com
Books Close: Mon August 12 at 9pm
Callbacks: Posted online at ipracanada.com on Wed August 14 by 4pm
*No changes will be allowed after callbacks are done at 9pm.*
*If you are highlighted in red, you must contact the secretary or you will be turned out. Text to 905-432-5980.*
Producer: WildTime Rodeo
August 23-25 | Rodeo MSA, Ste-Anne-de-Beaupré, QC - Completed
Sanction Information | Informations sur l'événement
Location: Rodeo MSA, 10018 ave Royale, Ste-Anne-de-Beaupré, QC
Date: Friday, August 23 - Sunday, August 25, 2024
Performance Times: August 23 at 7:00pm; August 24 at 1:30pm and August 25 at 2:30pm (3 performances)
Slack: August 23 at 4:00pm; August 24 at 8:00am; August 25 at 7:30am
Title: Rodeo MSA [IPRA]
Events: BB, SB, BR, SW, TD, BAR $1,500 ADM - $100 EF; TR (1 head) $1,000 ADM - $90 EF; LBK $700 ADM - $80 EF; NSB, NBB, JBR, JBAR $250 ADM - $30 EF; JSR - $30 EF (no added money); Total $11,700; Fees: Total $30 STK/CEF/FF
Additional Events: Pickup Race & Exchange Race $50 EF - $1,500 ADM; Fees: $10 per horse per event
Books Open: Mon August 12 at 9am online only at www.ipracanada.com
Books Close: Mon August 12 at 9pm
Callbacks: Posted online at ipracanada.com on Wed August 14 by 4pm
*No changes will be allowed after callbacks are done at 9pm.*
*If you are highlighted in red, you must contact the secretary or you will be turned out. Text to 905-432-5980.*
Producer: ERQ Rodeo
August 24-25 | Porquis Ag Society Extreme Rodeo, Porquis Junction, ON - Completed
Sanction Information | Informations sur l'événement
Location: Porquis Agricultural Society, 38 Edward Street, Porquis Junction, Ontario
Date: Saturday, August 24 and Sunday, August 25, 2024
Performance Times: August 24 at 6:00 pm and August 25 at 1:00pm (2 performances)
Slack: August 25 after if required; August 25 at 10am if required
Title: Porquis Agricultural Society Extreme Pro Rodeo [IPRA]
Events: *NEW!* BR $5,000 ADM - $100 EF; BB, SB $2,000 ADM - $100 EF; BAR $1,500 ADM - $90 EF; PB $500 ADM - $60 EF; NBB, NSB $500 ADM - $50 EF; *NEW!* JBR $1,000 ADM EACH DAY! - $50 EF; JBAR, JPB $150 ADM - $25 EF; Total $14,300; Fees: Total $20 STK/CEF/FF
Books Open: Mon August 12 at 9am online only at www.ipracanada.com
Books Close: Mon August 12 at 9pm
Callbacks: Posted online at ipracanada.com on Wed August 14 by 4pm
*No changes will be allowed after callbacks are done at 9pm.*
*If you are highlighted in red, you must contact the secretary or you will be turned out. Text to 905-432-5980.*
Producer: Rawhide Rodeo
August 30-31 | Smoke 'N' Spurs Pro Rodeo, Mattawa, ON - Completed
Sanction Information | Informations sur l'événement
Location: Smoke 'N' Spurs Festival, 60 Neault Rd., Mattawa, ON P0H 1V0 *NEW LOCATION
Date: Friday, August 30 - Saturday, August 31, 2024
Performance Times: Aug 30 at 7:00 pm; Aug 31 at 2:00pm (2 performances)
Slack: August 30 after if required; August 31 at 9 am
Title: Smoke 'N' Spurs Pro Rodeo [IPRA]
Events: BB, SB, BR, SW, TD, TR, BAR, LBK $1,000 ADM - $70 EF; NSB, NBB $250 ADM - $30 EF; PB $350 ADM - $50 EF; JBAR, JBR, JPB $150 ADM - $25 EF; SR - $20 EF and CR - $10 EF (no added money); Total $9,300; Fees: Total $30 STK/CEF/FF
Books Open: Mon August 19 at 9am online only at www.ipracanada.com
Books Close: Mon August 19 at 9pm
Callbacks: Posted online at ipracanada.com on Wed August 21 by 4pm
*No changes will be allowed after callbacks are done at 9pm.*
*If you are highlighted in red, you must contact the secretary or you will be turned out. Text to 905-432-5980.*
Producer: Rawhide Rodeo
Ticket sales: www.rodeoholmdale.ca
September 2 | Port Perry Pro Rodeo, Port Perry, ON - Completed
Sanction Information | Informations sur l'événement
Location: Port Perry Fairgrounds, 15835 Old Simcoe Rd., Port Perry, ON L9L 1B2
Date: Monday, September 2, 2024
Performance Times: September 2 at 11:45 am (1 performance)
Slack: September 2 at 8 am if required
Title: Port Perry Pro Rodeo [IPRA]
Events: BB, SB, BR, SW, TD, TR (one head only), BAR, LBK $500 ADM - $50 EF; PB $200 ADM - $50 EF; JBAR, JBR, JPB $100 ADM - $25 EF; SR - $20 EF and CR - $10 EF (no added money); Total $4,500; Fees: Total $30 STK/CEF/FF
Books Open: Mon August 19 at 9am online only at www.ipracanada.com
Books Close: Mon August 19 at 9pm
Callbacks: Posted online at ipracanada.com on Wed August 21 by 4pm
*No changes will be allowed after callbacks are done at 9pm.*
*If you are highlighted in red, you must contact the secretary or you will be turned out. Text to 905-432-5980.*
Producer: Rawhide Rodeo
Aug 30-31, Sept 1 | Festival du Boeuf (ERQ Finals), Inverness, QC - Completed
Sanction Information | Informations sur l'événement
Location: Festival du Boeuf de Inverness, 1910 rue Dublin, Inverness, QC
Note: This is the ERQ Finals, contestants must qualify
- Top 5 in the BB, SB, NBB, NSB, JBAR
- Top 10 in the BR, TD, SW, TR, LBK, BAR, PU and EC
- Top 3 in the JBR, SR
Date: Friday, August 30 - Sunday, September 1, 2024
Performance Times: August 30 at 9:00pm; August 31 at 8:00pm and September 1 at 7:30pm (3 performances)
Slack: Aug 30 at 7pm; Aug 31-Sept 1 at 6pm
Title: ERQ Finals, Festival du Boeuf de Inverness [IPRA] (*contestants must qualify)
Events: BB, SB, BR, SW, TD, BAR, TR (one head) $3,000 ADM - $100 EF; LBK $1,500 ADM - $100 EF; NSB, NBB, JBR, JBAR $500 ADM - $30 EF; JSR - $250 ADM - $30 EF; Total $24,750; Fees: Total $30 STK/CEF/FF
Additional Events: Pickup Race & Exchange Race $50 EF - $3,000 ADM; Fees: $10 per horse per event
Books Open: Mon August 26 at 9am online only at www.ipracanada.com
Books Close: Mon August 26 at 7pm
Callbacks: Posted online at ipracanada.com on Wed August 28 by 4pm
*No changes will be allowed after callbacks are done at 9pm.*
*If you are highlighted in red, you must contact the secretary or you will be turned out. Text to 905-432-5980.*
Producer: ERQ Rodeo
Ticket sales: At the door only
September 7-8, 2024 | Festival Western St-Tite Canada Cup, St-Tite, QC - Completed
**Please note that all of the entries below are for event qualifiers only.**
**Veuillez noter que toutes les inscriptions ci-dessous sont réservées aux qualifications de l'événement.**
Cliquez ici pour les callbacks au rodéo | Rodeo Callbacks
Cliquez ici pour les callbacks au Gymkhana | Gymkhana Callbacks
Cliquez ici pour les callbacks au barils junior | Youth Barrel Racing Callbacks
Sanction Information | Informations sur l'événement
Location: ST. TITE, QU Date: Saturday, Sep 7, 2024 - Sunday, Sept 8, 2024
Venue: Coors Banquet ArenaTitle: Festival Western de St. Tite Canada Cup [A] IPRA
PERFS: Four: Sep 7-8 1pm; Sep 8 8pm; Sep 8 4:30pm
BB, BR, SB, TD, SW, CBR $15,000 adm - $300 EF - Total $90,000 - $20 SCF/EF
HQ INFO: Books Open Mon Aug 12 9am
Books Close Mon Aug 12 9pm
Permits, locals, and youth cards accepted-CES
$8.00-Participant insurance required
Outdoor arena
LOCATION: Coors Banquet Arena
Books Open (Date & Time): Entries open Monday, August 12 at 9am at www.ipracanada.com
Books Close (Date & Time): Entries close Monday, August 12 at 9pm at www.ipracanada.com
Call Backs (Date & Time): Posted by 4pm on Monday, August 19 at www.ipracanada.com
Trophy coat to the Winners; Tie-down roping ground-rule: Bell collar catch only. Steer
Wrestling ground-rule: In the event that a steer dog-falls, the run is over. Visit www.ipracanada.com for more information.
Canada Cup Qualifications Bareback / Saddle Bronc / Bull Riding:
• Six contestants from the 2024 Canada Canada Standings (at time of entry)
• The 2023 Canada Cup Winner
• The 2023 Festival St-Tite Winner (2nd weekend)
• The 2024 IFR Champion
• The 2023 IPRA World Champion
• Two contestants from Prime-Time Qualifier circuit
Canada Cup Qualifications Barrel Racing /Tie Down Roping/Steer Wrestling:
• Eight contestants from the 2024 Canada Canada Standings (at time of entry)
• The 2023 Canada Cup Winner
• The 2023 Festival St-Tite Winner (2nd weekend)
• The 2024 IFR Champion
• The 2023 IPRA World Champion
1. There will be 2 go for all events with a short round on Sunday September 8th @ 4:30PM.
2. The Top 8 contestants in each event will qualify for the short round
3. 1st and 2nd rounds consist of 30% of the purse and pays 4 in all events
4. Short go consists of 40% of the purse and pays 3 in all events
5. Short go winner is the Champion
7. Guest passes will be for performance you are competing in only.
8. NO DRAWOUTS, MEDICAL OR VET RELEASES will be accepted for this rodeo.
CAMPING & STALLING to make reservations call (418) 365-7524 or (877) 493-7837 from now until Sept. 1st.
You must present a copy of horse’s Coggins Test (1 year) at the camping site entrance and to the vet at the vet-check as well as your Rhinopneumonitis-Influenza Vaccine certificate.
VET CHECK: All timed event contestants MUST take horse(s) to vet check. Banamine & Bute are legal, no other drug is legal. Random drug tests will be done during the rodeos. If you make the short-go, horse(s) will be drug tested. If your horse is limping you will not be able to compete on that animal, you must ride another horse. If you make the short-go you will have to go back to vet check (even though you’ve already been there). They will give you a card the first time you go and you will receive a different card for the short-go. If you are riding someone else’s horse, you still have to go to vet check, and advise on which horse you are competing. IF YOU FAIL TO GO TO VET CHECK YOU WILL BE DISQUALIFIED.
• Bell collar catch only
• In the Tie down roping the animal falling to the ground at any time during the transition of the catch will result in a disqualification
• Jerk down will result in a disqualification and $200 fine
• A disqualification will be assessed if the calf is dragged once the tie is complete. (If over drag is intentional = disqualification + $200 fine)
September 10-15, 2024 | Festival Western St-Tite, St-Tite, QC - Completed
Cliquez ici pour les callbacks finaux au rodéo | IPRA Final Rodeo Callbacks
Cliquez ici pour les callbacks au Gymkhana | Gymkhana Callbacks
Cliquez ici pour les callbacks au barils homme | Men's Barrel Racing Callbacks
Sanction Information | Informations sur l'événement
Location: ST. TITE, QU Date: Wednesday, Sep 10, 2023 - Sunday, Sep 15, 2024
Venue: Coors Banquet ArenaTitle: Festival Western St-Tite [A] IPRA
PERFS: Six: Sep 11-12-13-14 8pm; Sep 14-15 1pm
BB, BR, SB, TD, SW, CBR $18,000 adm - $300 EF
CGBKR $10,000 adm - $150 EF
TR $5,000 adm - $150 EF; Total ADM $116,000; 20 SCF/CES
NOVICE EVENTS: NBB, NSB, Jr. BR $1,000 adm - $50 EF - Total $3,000.
HQ INFO: Books Open Mon Aug 12 9am
Books Close Mon Aug 12 9pm
Locals and youth cards accepted-CES
$8.00-Participant insurance required
Outdoor arena
LOCATION: Coors Banquet Arena
Slack Dates/Times: Sept 10th @ 1PM: Tie-down (1st go) and Team Roping; Barrel racing (1st go)
Sept 12th @ 12PM: Steer Wrestling and Tie-down Roping (2nd go)
Books Open (Date & Time): Entries open Monday, August 12 at 9am at www.ipracanada.com
Books Close (Date & Time): Entries close Monday, August 12 at 9pm at www.ipracanada.com;
Call Backs (Date & Time): Posted by 4pm on Monday, August 19 at www.ipracanada.com
**See accompanying rules and regulations above for how positions are filled and when events run.**
Operation and distribution of the 2nd weekend:
There will be 2 goes for all disciplines except for juniors, men’s barrels, team roping and breakaway.
Bareback Bronc and Saddle Bronc Riding:
6 / rodeo on Wednesday, September 11 to Sunday, September 14 at 8pm; 8 top in the average continue to the Finals;
Bull Riding:
8 / rodeo on Wednesday, September 11 to Sunday, September 14 at 8pm 8 top in the average continue to the Finals;
Breakaway 8 / rodeo on Wednesday, September 11 to Sunday, September 14 at 8pm; All participants will pass during the rodeos only; 1 go only – no final
Steer Wrestling:
8 / rodeo on Wednesday, September 11 to Sunday, September 14 at 8pm; 8 top in the average continue to the Finals,
Slack will be Thursday, September 12 for all contestants not in a rodeo.
Ladies Barrels
8 / rodeo on Wednesday, September 11 to Sunday, September 14 at 8pm; 8 best in the average continue to the Finals;
All the ladies barrels will compete once in the slack on Tuesday, September 10 and then the best will run their second run in the rodeos.
Tie-Down Roping 2 go in slack; 8 best of the average advance to the Final, The slacks will take place Tuesday September 10 (1st go) and Thursday September 12 (2nd go)
Team Roping 1 go in slack; The slacks will take place Tuesday September 10
1. There will be 2 go for all events with a short round on Sunday
2. The Top 8 contestants in each event will qualify for the short round
3. 1st and 2nd rounds consist of 30% of the purse and pays 4 in all events
4. Short go consists of 40% of the purse and pays 3 in all events
5. Short go winner is the Champion
• Guest passes will be for perf. you are competing in only.
• NO DRAWOUTS, MEDICAL OR VET RELEASES will be accepted for this rodeo.
CAMPING & STALLING to make reservations call (418)365-7524 or (877)493-7837 from now until Sept. 1st.
You must present a copy of horse’s Coggins Test (1 year) at the camping site entrance and to the vet at the vet-check as well as your Rhinopneumonitis-Influenza Vaccine certificate.
VET CHECK: All timed event contestants MUST take horse(s) to vet check. Banamine & Bute are legal, no other drug is legal. Random drug tests will be done during the rodeos. If you make the short-go, horse(s) will be drug tested. If your horse is limping you will not be able to compete on that animal, you must ride another horse. If you make the short-go you will have to go back to vet check (even though you’ve already been there). They will give you a card the first time you go and you will receive a different card for the short-go. If you are riding someone else’s horse, you still have to go to vet check, and advise on which horse you are competing. IF YOU FAIL TO GO TO VET CHECK YOU WILL BE DISQUALIFIED.
• Bell collar catch only
• In the Tie down roping the animal falling to the ground at any time during the transition of the catch will result in a disqualification
• After the first step towards the horse, calf may be untied
• Jerk down will result in a disqualification and $200 fine
• A disqualification will be assessed if the calf is dragged once the tie is complete. (If over drag is intentional = disqualification + $200 fine)
September 20-21 | Bolton Pro Rodeo, Bolton, ON - Completed
Sanction Information | Informations sur l'événement
Location: Albion and Bolton Fairgrounds, 150 Queen St. S., Bolton, ON L7E 1E3
Date: Friday, September 20 and Saturday, September 21, 2024
Performance Times: Sept 20 at 6:30 pm; Sept 21 at 11:00 am (2 performances)
Slack: Sept 20 after if required; Sept 21 at 8:00am
Title: Bolton Pro Rodeo [IPRA]
Events: BB, SB, BR, SW, TD, TR, BAR, LBK $1,500 ADM - $100 EF; NSB, NBB $250 ADM - $30 EF; PB $300 ADM - $50 EF; JBAR, JBR, JPB $150 ADM - $25 EF; SR - $20 EF, CR - $10 EF (no added money); Total $12,000; Fees: Total $30 STK/CEF/FF
Books Open: Mon September 9 at 9am online only at www.ipracanada.com
Books Close: Mon September 9 at 9pm
Callbacks: Posted online at ipracanada.com on Wed September 11 by 4pm
*If you are highlighted in red, you must contact the secretary or you will be turned out. Text to 905-432-5980.*
Producer: Rawhide Rodeo
September 20-21 | Rodeo Fest Mont-Blanc, Mont-Blanc, QC - Completed
Sanction Information | Informations sur l'événement
MONT BLANC, QU [A] IPRA* Sep 20-21, 2024
Rodeo Fest Mont-Blanc
1006 route 117, Mont Blanc, QC J0T 2G0
Two Performances:
1. September 20, 2023 07:30 PM
2. September 21, 2023 07:30 PM
BB, SB, BR $2,500 adm - $100 EF; NBB, NSB, JBR $500 adm - $50 EF; SR $100 ADM - $20 EF - Total $8,500
Total EF/CES: $20
Books Open (Date & Time): Entries open Monday, September 9 at 9am online only at www.ipracanada.com
Books Close (Date & Time): Entries close Monday, September 9 at 9pm
Callbacks (Date & Time): Posted online at www.ipracanada.com on Wed, September 11 by 4pm. Permits, locals, and youth cards accepted; Outdoor arena
Prod. Stock Contractor: WildTime Rodeo
September 27-29 | Nova Scotia Stampede, Truro, NS - Completed
Sanction Information | Informations sur l'événement
Location: Nova Scotia Provincial Exhibition Complex, 73 Ryland Avenue, Truro, NS B2N 2V5
Date: Friday, September 27 - Sunday, September 29, 2024
Performance Times: Sept 27 at 7:00 pm; Sept 28 at 6:00 pm; Sept 29 at 6:00pm *ATLANTIC TIME ZONE* (3 performances)
Slack: N/A
Title: Nova Scotia Stampede [IPRA]
Events: BB, SB, BR $12,000 ADM - $200 EF; BAR $6,000 ADM - $200 EF; Total $42,000; Fees: Total $20 STK/CEF/FF
Books Open: Mon September 16 at 9am online only at www.ipracanada.com
Books Close: Mon September 16 at 9pm
Callbacks: Posted online at ipracanada.com on Fri September 20 by 4pm
Additional Information: Bareback, Saddle Bronc – Top 10 from the World Standings and 2 Wild Card slots; two-head, pays an average
Bull Riding – Top 15 from the World Standings and 3 Wild Card slots; two-head, pays an average
Barrel Racing – Top 24 from the World Standings; 6 Qualifiers through the MBRA (Maritimes Barrel Racing Association)
All unfilled positions will be filled with contestants from the IPRA Canada and World standings.
*If you are highlighted in red, you must contact the secretary or you will be turned out. Text to 905-432-5980.*
Producer: Rawhide Rodeo
October 11-12 | Rodeo Ranch Traversy #3, Lefebvre, QC - Completed
Sanction Information | Informations sur l'événement
Location: 320 rte O'Brien, Lefebvre, QC J0H 2C0
Date: Friday, October 11, 2024 - Saturday, October 12, 2024
Performance Times: 7:30 pm each day (2 performances)
Slack: October 11 after performance; October 12 at 3:00pm
Title: Rodeo Ranch Traversy [IPRA]
Events: BB, SB, BR $1,500 ADM - $100 EF; BAR $500 ADM - $75 EF; NSB, NBB, JBR, JBAR $100 ADM - $30 EF; SR - $20 EF (no added money); Total $5,400; Fees: Total $20 STK/CEF/FF
Additional Events: Pickup Race, Exchange Race $50 EF - $350 ADM; Fees: $10 per horse per event
Books Open: Mon Sept 30 at 9am online only at www.ipracanada.com
Books Close: Mon Sept 30 at 9pm
Callbacks: Posted online at ipracanada.com on Wed Oct 2 by 4pm
*No changes will be allowed after callbacks are done at 9pm.*
*If you are highlighted in red, you must contact the secretary or you will be turned out. Text to 905-432-5980.*
Producer: WildTime Rodeo
October 12 & 19 | Ranch Gagnon #4, Saint-Évariste, QC - Completed
Sanction Information | Informations sur l'événement
Location: Ranch Gagnon, 213 rang St Hillaire, Saint-Évariste, QC G0M 1S0
Date: Saturday, October 12, 2024 and Saturday, October 19, 2024
Performance Times: 7:30pm (2 performances)
Slack: 4:30pm each perf
Title: Ranch Gagnon Rodeo #4 [IPRA]
Events: BB, SB, BR, SW, TD, TR, BAR, LBK $500 ADM - $70 EF; NSB, NBB, JBR, JBAR $250 ADM - $30 EF; JSR - $30 EF (no added money); Total $4,750; Fees: Total $30 STK/CEF/FF
Additional Events: Pickup Race & Exchange Race $30 EF - $250 ADM; Fees: $10 per horse per event
Books Open: Mon October 7 at 9am online only at www.ipracanada.com
Books Close: Mon October 7 at 9pm
Callbacks: Posted online at ipracanada.com on Wed October 9 by 4pm
*No changes will be allowed after callbacks are done at 9pm.*
*If you are highlighted in red, you must contact the secretary or you will be turned out. Text to 905-432-5980.*
Producer: ERQ Rodeo
Ticket sales: At the door only
Note To All Contestants:
*This event counts towards the 2024 IPRA Canada season. New memberships purchased for the last few events will still expire on December 31, 2024.
October 18-19 | Rodeo Ranch Traversy #4, Lefebvre, QC - Completed
Sanction Information | Informations sur l'événement
Location: 320 rte O'Brien, Lefebvre, QC J0H 2C0
Date: Friday, October 18, 2024 - Saturday, October 19, 2024
Performance Times: 7:30 pm each day (2 performances)
Slack: October 18 after performance; October 19 at 3:00pm
Title: Rodeo Ranch Traversy [IPRA]
Events: BB, SB, BR $1,500 ADM - $100 EF; BAR $500 ADM - $75 EF; NSB, NBB, JBR, JBAR $100 ADM - $30 EF; SR - $20 EF (no added money); Total $5,400; Fees: Total $20 STK/CEF/FF
Additional Events: Pickup Race, Exchange Race $50 EF - $350 ADM; Fees: $10 per horse per event
Books Open: Mon Oct 7 at 9am online only at www.ipracanada.com
Books Close: Mon Oct 7 at 9pm
Callbacks: Posted online at ipracanada.com on Wed Oct 9 by 4pm
*No changes will be allowed after callbacks are done at 9pm.*
*If you are highlighted in red, you must contact the secretary or you will be turned out. Text to 905-432-5980.*
Producer: WildTime Rodeo
October 26 & November 2 | Ranch Gagnon #5, Saint-Évariste, QC - Completed
Location: Ranch Gagnon, 213 rang St Hillaire, Saint-Évariste, QC G0M 1S0
Date: Saturday, October 26, 2024 and Saturday, November 2, 2024
Performance Times: 7:30pm (2 performances)
Slack: 4:30pm each perf
Title: Ranch Gagnon Rodeo #5 [IPRA]
Events: BB, SB, BR, SW, TD, TR, BAR, LBK $500 ADM - $70 EF; NSB, NBB, JBR, JBAR $250 ADM - $30 EF; JSR - $30 EF (no added money); Total $4,750; Fees: Total $30 STK/CEF/FF
Additional Events: Pickup Race & Exchange Race $30 EF - $250 ADM; Fees: $10 per horse per event
Books Open: Mon October 21 at 9am online only at www.ipracanada.com
Books Close: Mon October 21 at 9pm
Callbacks: Posted online at ipracanada.com on Wed October 23 by 4pm
*No changes will be allowed after callbacks are done at 9pm.*
*If you are highlighted in red, you must contact the secretary or you will be turned out. Text to 905-432-5980.*
Producer: ERQ Rodeo
Ticket sales: At the door only
Note To All Contestants:
*This event counts towards the 2024 IPRA Canada season. New memberships purchased for the last few events will still expire on December 31, 2024.