Frequently asked questions
For further answers, please email ipracanadarodeo@gmail.com.
Do I need to purchase a new card in 2025?
Yes, you do need to purchase a new membership card for the 2025 season if you wish to participate in events from the 2025 rodeo season in Canada (unless competing on a day permit). You will need to fill out a membership application form (for insurance purposes) which can be found online in the above menu. Minors will need to have their forms notarized or commissioned in order to participate.
What if I want to purchase an IPRA World card in 2025?
If you would like to purchase a 2025 IPRA World card, you will need to complete a World card application (found on www.iprarodeo.com) and send the completed form to the office in Oklahoma. Credit card information will need to be provided.
What membership provides additional health coverage?
Canadians competing on the IPRA Canadian card will ONLY be covered by the Canadian health program. There is no additional coverage. (This card is only good for rodeos in Canada and you must be a Canadian Citizen.)
If you require health coverage or would like additional coverage, you will need to purchase the IPRA World Card, regardless if you are competing in the United States of not.
Both the Canadian and World offices offer a youth card - Which one do I choose?
The Canadian youth membership is offered to Canadian contestants competing in the following events ONLY: Jr. Barrel Racing, Jr. Pole Bending, Jr. Bull Riding, Steer Riding, and Calf Riding. If contestants are only competing in Canada, this is the card to purchase ($100 Canadian funds vs. $125 USD funds). Please note the age restrictions on each discipline.
Also note that if the contestant is competing in one of the junior events AND an open event during the rodeo season (eg. breakaway or team roping), a full contestant card must be purchased and not a youth card.
The World youth membership is for contestants 17 and under that will be competing in the United States. No points are accumulated towards the IFR (International Finals Rodeo).
Can I complete solely on permits?
Yes. You can purchase a new permit for each event of the season. No points will count towards any regional or provincial finals. The costs of multiple permits may have a greater expense than a yearly membership, depending on how many are purchased.
How are entries done for the 2025 season?
For the 2025 season, all IPRA sanctioned events in Ontario, Quebec and the Maritimes, will be handled in one central system located at www.ipracanada.com. Entries will be taken online including payment of entry fees.
How are payoffs done?
Since all entry fees are collected online, payoffs may be done through direct bank deposit, e-transfer or cheque (where required). Due to the method used, there may be Interac transfer limits, therefore e-transfers of payouts may be done over a few days after the event.
Can I turnout at callbacks without penalty?
If you get one of your preferences, as selected during entries in your event, you will not get your entry fee back. If at callbacks, you don't get one of your preferences and are drawn out, your entry fee will be refunded. You will not be able to get your entry fee back if your plans change and you are unable to attend the event. Make sure to plan ahead!
Who do I notify if I have to turnout before an event?
If you need to turnout when Callbacks are posted, please use the Change Request Form (new in 2024). This form can also be used for medical and veterinary releases (upload note).
If you turn out of an event after callbacks, without medical or veterinary reasons, your entry fees will not be refunded.
What if I have to turnout due to a medical issue?
If you need to medical or veterinary release, please use the Change Request Form (new in 2024). You will need to provide a valid medical note in order to have entry fees refunded. You will be able to submit your medical note through this online form.
Please note the IPRA Rulebook also states that you may not complete in any event for 7 days from the rodeo of turnout.